Lexeme: from time to time (view)

ID: 2156857

Language (ISO 639-3): eng

POS: Adv

Homonym ID: 0



Inflex Id:


Inflex Type:

Lemma ID:


Processed: No

Last edit: Aug. 9, 2020, 1:17 p.m.





Mini Paradigms:


ID From To Type Sources Examples Metadata Notes Actions
981864 (mhr) ашын-ашын (eng) from time to time Translation
982735 (mhr) гутлан-гутлан (eng) from time to time Translation
982798 (mhr) жапын-жапын (eng) from time to time Translation
983018 (mhr) иктаж-годым (eng) from time to time Translation
984137 (mhr) кашакын (eng) from time to time Translation
984150 (mhr) кашын (eng) from time to time Translation
984151 (mhr) кашын-кашын (eng) from time to time Translation
985078 (mhr) кунам-икана (eng) from time to time Translation
985082 (mhr) кунам-тунам (eng) from time to time Translation
985168 (mhr) кутлан-кутлан (eng) from time to time Translation
985203 (mhr) кутышын-кутышын (eng) from time to time Translation
987632 (mhr) пагытын-пагытын (eng) from time to time Translation
989175 (mhr) тапырын-тапырын (eng) from time to time Translation
993824 (mhr) шуэн-шуэн (eng) from time to time Translation
994634 (mhr) южгодым (eng) from time to time Translation
994638 (mhr) южгунам (eng) from time to time Translation
1067737 (kpv) кадысь кадӧ (eng) from time to time Translation
1068476 (kpv) мукӧддырйи (eng) from time to time Translation
1492129 (fin) ajoittain (eng) from time to time Translation